Wondering if Facial Oils are Right for You? (part 1 of 2)

By / 27th September, 2015 / Blog / Off


Does the idea of applying an oil to your face give you visions of a greasy oil slick? Breakouts? Blackheads and pimples? You’re not alone. We’ve been trained to believe that oil is bad for our skin and should be avoided. But wait! There’s news! Turns out that not only is oil good for our skin, it can be fantastic, and yes, that also means your face. It’s really all about your skin type! That helps determine which oils will have the best benefits for you.

Grape Seed Oilgrapes
Known for its great anti-aging benefits, Grape Seed Oil is light, absorbent and helps to regulate your skin’s natural oil production—making it ideal for oily skin

–Found to lighten age spots and pigmented skin caused by UV rays

–Has more linoleic acid than most oils

–More antioxidant power than Vitamins C and E

–It contains a flavonoid complex that acts as an antioxidant. In addition to fighting off free radicals, these complexes also stabilize collagen and maintain the skin’s elastin, for a visibly firmer appearance.

Use Grape Seed Oil directly on your body to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and saggy skin. This oil is often found in many cosmetic products (we use it in our hand salves and essential oil blends). Use it like you would Marula oil, by adding a drop or two to your favorite facial moisturizers and sunscreens for an added boost.

olivesOlive Oil
Once referred to as “liquid gold” by Homer, Olive Oil has been used as a beauty and skin care remedy by the Phoenicians, Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. Today, it’s still prized for:

–Erasing stretch marks and minimizing wrinkles

–Anti-aging therapy and deep hydration

–Rich in antioxidants, such as Vitamins A and E, polyphenols, phytoserols and the rare compound, hydroxytyrosol

–Helps repair skin and neutralize free radicals that cause skin damage

–Natural ability to stimulate cells and bring skin back to a firmer, healthier state

–Penetrates deeply and creates a protective barrier that traps moisture without clogging your pores

–Gentle and non-irritating, it’s a good choice for sensitive skin (if you’re prone to acne, you may want to proceed with caution, as there are reports that olive oil can clog the pores).

Use olive oil as nighttime facial moisturizer on clean skin. Mixed with a little sugar, it makes an excellent exfoliating facial scrub (use gently!). Add 3 – 4 tablespoons of olive oil with a few drops of an essential oil like lavender to the bath for a fragrant, hydrating soak

As a skin care remedy, 100% cold-pressed, extra-virgin Olive Oil is best. We use 100% organic olive oil in our herbal decongestant salve.

Marula 2015Marula
Although prized by African women for centuries, Marula oil’s (Sclerocarya birrea) new status in the US as a “miracle oil” beauty treatment stands up to the tests: it simply has superb protective and nourishing qualities.

— Antioxidants fight free radicals in the skin cells (that contribute to aging and dullness)
— omega fatty acids (provides moisture and reduces fine lines)
— Vitamin C (8 times the amount in oranges! Reduces sun damage and support collagen)
— Vitamin E (supports cell regeneration and collagen production).

Other benefits:
— Non-greasy, easily penetrates the skin and absorbs quickly
— Increases elasticity, firmness and suppleness with continued use
— For acne-prone skin: Marula oil helps regulate the skin’s natural moisture level, and does not clog pores (noncomedogenic)
— Helps protect and repair damaged skin and fade scarring and redness
— Is remarkably stable and has a very long shelf life

See why they call it miracle oil? Simply put: Marula oil gives radiant glow where it’s needed.

Massage just two or three drops of this light, non-greasy oil on your face, neck and décolleté as a stand-alone moisturizer or layered under another facial moisturizer, if your skin is on the drier side. A couple drops can also counter-act the drying effects of sunscreens. It is fast absorbing, lightweight, and has a smooth texture that also makes it wonderful as a makeup primer. You can find it in it’s pure form here, and blended with other amazing (also organic) oils in our Gorgeous Rose Face Serum.


Come back soon for Part 2 of this series. We’re not done yet! Illuminating the beauty & benefits of nature’s gift of glorious oils deserves in-depth reporting. Part 2 will continue our breakdown of whether the right facial oil for you might just be right under your nose.


Part 1 of 2.